The Centennial Grid Centennial

Pueblo installs public solar-powered EV charging stations

(PUEBLO, Colo.) — The city of Pueblo announced on Wednesday, June 12 that it installed two new publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and two new EV chargers to meet the needs … The city of Pueblo has installed two new publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and two new EV chargers to meet the needs of the city's fleet vehicles. The Beam EV Arc charging station is located in a parking lot near Main Street and Alan Hamel Drive, and the second public charger is located near Victoria Avenue and West Riverwalk. The new public charging stations are part of the no-cost public charging station initiative through Sept. 2024. All ten public-facing charging stations within the city are currently free for public use. The city has over 20 electric vehicles in use, including vehicles from the Pueblos Police Department, Parks and Recreation, and electric cars from the Fleet Department. Additional departments will receive new EV vehicles in the coming months to update their fleet needs.

Pueblo installs public solar-powered EV charging stations

Publié : 3 semaines plus tôt par Norishka Pachot dans Auto

(PUEBLO, Colo.) — The city of Pueblo announced on Wednesday, June 12 that it installed two new publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and two new EV chargers to meet the needs of the city’s fleet vehicles.

One of the Beam EV Arc charging stations is located in the parking lot located on Main Street and Alan Hamel Drive. It can be found under “Sun Chaser” in the ChargePoint app. The second public charger is located off Victoria Avenue and West Riverwalk near the parking lot of the Vail Gotel of the Housing Authority of Pueblo, it can be found under “River Recharge” in the ChargePoint app.

“We are excited to introduce two additional Level 2 EV chargers for public use with these ChargePoint chargers that were recently installed,” said Energy Efficiency Coordinator of the City of Pueblo, George Andrews. “Making EV chargers more accessible and readily available to the public is imperative as we see more EVs on the road including our fleet here at the City of Pueblo.”

Both new public charging stations are part of the no-cost to the public charging station initiative through Sept. 2024. They are off-grid units complete with solar panels to assist with their charging capabilities, each EV charger is moveable and can access other areas when necessary or meet the needs of high-density events. All EV chargers within city limits, ten in total including the two public-facing newly installed stations are currently at no cost for public use.

The city has over 20 electric vehicles within the Pueblo Police Department, multiple trucks with Parks and Recreation, and electric cars within the Fleet Department. Pueblo Public Works and other departments will receive new EV vehicles to update their fleet needs in the coming months, additional departments will use hybrid vehicles if EV vehicles do not meet their needs for use.

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