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Wolf kill of a calf in Grand County confirmed by Colorado wildlife officials

A wolf has killed a calf in Grand County, where 10 wolves were released in December, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has confirmed. A wolf has killed a calf in Grand County, Colorado, where 10 wolves were released in December, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The incident was confirmed by a livestock producer who contacted the state agency after a field investigation revealed multiple tooth rake marks and consistent with a wolf attack. This is the first time a wolf has been reported killing livestock in the county since the state released 10 wolves in December. The producer will be eligible for fair market value compensation if a claim is submitted.

Wolf kill of a calf in Grand County confirmed by Colorado wildlife officials

Publié : il y a 2 mois par Marianne Goodland [email protected] dans Science

A wolf has killed a calf in Grand County, where 10 wolves were released in December, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has confirmed.

The report of the kill was made on April 2.

A livestock producer contacted the state agency, which conducted a field investigation and confirmed the calf had been killed by a wolf, based on "multiple tooth rake marks on the calf's hindquarters and neck, and hemorrhaging under the hide," all consistent with a wolf attack.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife report said wolf tracks were found nearby.

This is the first report of a wolf killing livestock in Grand County since the state released the wolves in December.

Wolves in Jackson County have killed a dozen cows and calves, working dogs, and sheep. Those wolves, however, came into Colorado several years ago from Wyoming. Two wolves from that original group are still believed to be in Colorado.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife said the producer will be eligible for fair market value compensation if a claim is submitted.

This story is developing and will be updated.

Les sujets: Wildlife

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